Monday, February 22, 2010

Emma Gets a Little Help

Ron here...

I know I don't need to start these updates with that statement, but I'm not ready to stop yet. I'm not ready to take off my wedding ring, or my Love for Life wristband yet either. I still write "Ron and Rebecca Kujawa" on the offering envelope at church too.

On Friday night, I dropped off the girls for a sleepover at Aunt Ruth and Uncle Kevin's house. Mill started getting upset as I was getting ready to leave. She wanted to sleep over, but she wanted me to stay overnight too. After a brief discussion, I told her she should have dinner and hang out for awhile and if she was still feeling sad later on, she could call me on the phone. As I made my way to the door, she was starting to cry and get that sad look on her face that I've gotten used to seeing. She didn't break down though. She hugged and kissed me while she was fighting back her tears, but she let me go without causing a scene. I know it can't be easy for her, especially with Beccee gone now, but she let me go anyway. As I was driving home, I realized how strong she is becoming. You can see in her eyes how painful some of these things are for her, but she sucks it up and does it anyway.

When we had Millie's birthday party at the hospital, there was a point where Millie got really sad and was hanging on Beccee. Millie told Beccee she was sad and that she wanted her to come home. Beccee's reply was "buck up, kiddo." She's bucking up every single day.

Emma and I got ready to do her homework last night, but just as we started, Beccee's sister Meg called. I asked Emma to get started on her reading, because she's pretty good doing that on her own, and I went into the living room to talk on the phone. Emma had two books to read before she got to her math homework, which was four blank clocks with a time written under them. She was supposed to draw in the clock hands to indicate the correct time. She usually needs a little help with that kind of assignment, and since one of the problems was 10:15, I knew she'd need some assistance. Well, I lost track of time talking to Meg (hmmmm... sounds like someone I know) and Emma comes walking into the living room with her math homework. It was already done and her answers were completely right! I was amazed. Emma just had a big smile on her face and said that mommy helped her do her homework.


PS I'm playing and singing at church this weekend. See you there. Crosspoint Community Church in Oconomowoc.

PPS(?) Fight for Air is coming up on March 20. It is a fundraiser for the American Lung Association where people will be climbing 1034 steps at the US Bank Center in downtown Milwaukee. More information at the link below.


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