Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009 Morning Update

Beccee will go in for a PET scan this afternoon.  Unfortunately, she'll miss Millie's end-of-year school program.  Bummer.  I'll shoot it on video though.

Coughing has been pretty bad the last 24 hours or so.  The Oncologist explained yesterday that one of these masses is right under her wind pipe at her cough reflex, which is causing the coughing.  He wrote her a prescription, but also said that if a glass or two of wine at night helped calm down the coughing, she should go with that.  That was good news for Beccee.

We're hoping to meet with the lung surgeon early next week and possibly be looking at surgery late next week to remove a larger sample for biopsy, or one of the masses.  The lung surgeon will be the biggest deciding factor in what/when happens, and we won't know until we meet him.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support, good wishes and prayers.  It's been absolutely amazing to hear from so many of our friends and family that they continue to pray for us.  Our faith in God is getting stronger by the day and I think one purpose of this whole situation is to bring us and our family and friends closer to Him.


Oncologist Visit

Beccee's email from May 28, 2009...
Ok my friends and family. We met with Dr. Johnson the oncologist this afternoon. he still does not know what is growing inside my lungs. To make this short and sweet (cuz I'm tired and want to go to bed) He has a wonderful bedside manner, he's definitely in the right field of medicine. We felt calm and secure and very informed. He's encourged by my normal blood test results and the negative biopsy, but he still feels that we are dealing with a malignant tumor/or lymphoma...but what a smooth and silky way he has of delivering that news. He has NOT taken other options off the table - so it could be a few other things that are not cancer. He made us feel ok about clinging to those other options.
Tomorrow I have a PET scan to make sure this is not in any other part of of my lymph node system or any of my organs. I will be missing Millie's End Of School Year Program, but she thinks it's really cool that I'm having an xray and wants to see it asap. We explained to the girls tonight that mommy has been seeing a doctor about her "asthma" and there will be more doctors. They were cool with it. They both included me in their nightly prayers. Awww.
LADIES NOTE: I was slightly admonished for not having a follow up mammogram last could it be a year over due?????? But it is. Shame on me. GO GET YOURS!
We are being referred to a surgeon, Dr. Pearlstein. Dr Johnson explained that we need a bigger biopsy to find out what we are dealing with and how to treat it. He told us to expect a more invasive and aggressive procedure to remove a larger biopsy, if not one whole mass. I could be in the hospital for a few days. But that's normal. Hopefully we can make those arrangements as soon as next week.
This waiting is awful. But I feel like  a weight has been lifted off of my chest after meeting with Dr. Johnson. He was honest, but kind. And even though it still feels so vague, at least my bubble didn't pop, yet. So I'm good.
I wish we could tell you more. But it looks like more waiting and waiting.
All our love and thanks for continuing to pray.
Love Beccee, Ron, Emma and Millie.

Ron's May 27, 2009 Email

Ron's May 27 Email...
If you haven't heard by now, we got some not-so-great news about
Beccee's health recently.  Beccee has had a hard time breathing since
around Easter, maybe earlier.  We thought it was asthma.  Inhalers
were only helping a little and she went to the doctor last Friday for
another look.  The doctor sent her to get a chest x-ray and found a
"mass".  Beccee immediately got on the phone with some of her friends
she has made through her charity work over the years and through the
grace of God, arrangements were made for her to get a CT scan the same
afternoon.  The doctor met with us on Sunday morning to review the
scans.  Dr. Neuman did not want to speculate too much, but gave us a
rundown of what it might be. Beccee was then scheduled for a
Bronchioscope(sp?) yesterday morning.  Dr. Neuman said the inside of
the bronchial tubes looked normal. She tried to take samples for
biopsies, but admitted that she was going blind through the bronchial
tube with a small needle and didn't know if she would get any answers
from the test.  As of this moment, we are still waiting on results of
the biopsies.  Dr. Neuman did indicate yesterday that given the
information we have, and the fact that the bronchial tube looked
normal, the chances of the mass being TB, Vasculitis or some sort of
Fungus went way down the list. She stated that the facts point to a
90% chance of the mass being cancerous and she asked if she could
refer us to an Oncologist.

We heard this afternoon that the results of yesterday's biopsy are
negative, however, the doctor is not satisfied with those results.  We
have a meeting scheduled with another doctor for Thursday afternoon
and we hope to be doing a second procedure for another biopsy where
they will get a better sample in the next day or two.

As of right now, we don't know for certain what the mass is.  We (and
about a thousand people I know of) continue to pray that it will turn
out to be something insignificant.

Beccee is doing unbelievably well.  Whatever the opposite of
devastated is, that's what she is.  She is incredibly calm and totally
ready to deal with whatever the doctors find and whatever is going to
happen next.  She says that since we went to church Saturday night and
she was anointed with oil and had hands laid on her, that angels have
been hovering around her.  I believe her.  When she came back to her
hospital room yesterday - still drugged up and having just had a tube
pulled out of her nose - she looked more beautiful than I can ever
remember.  And I don't mean "all things considered" beautiful.  I mean
it was literally like looking at the face of an angel.  She is the
strongest person I know and this news seems to be making her stronger.

Emma and Millie are doing great.  We have not told them anything other
than that Mommy has bad asthma, because a few days ago, that's what it
was.  We really want to know what is going on before deciding on what
or when to tell them.

The outpouring of love, support and prayers has been amazing.  I can't
thank you all enough.  It's also encouraging to hear that prayers are
coming from people I never would have guessed would be praying (I'm
probably on that list for some of you). So, if you're comfortable
praying, please continue to do so.  And if you're not so comfortably,
please do it anyway.

Our pastor picked out a great Psalm for us today which seemed
appropriate. It is copied below.



Psalm 34

I bless God every chance I get;
  my lungs expand with his praise.

I live and breathe God;
  if things aren't going well, hear this and be happy:

Join me in spreading the news;
  together let's get the word out.

God met me more than halfway,
  he freed me from my anxious fears.

Look at him; give him your warmest smile.
  Never hide your feelings from him.

When I was desperate, I called out,
  and God got me out of a tight spot.

God's angel sets up a circle
  of protection around us while we pray.

Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—
        how good God is.
  Blessed are you who run to him.

Worship God if you want the best;
  worship opens doors to all his goodness.

Young lions on the prowl get hungry,
  but God-seekers are full of God.

Come, children, listen closely;
  I'll give you a lesson in God worship.

Who out there has a lust for life?
  Can't wait each day to come upon beauty?

Guard your tongue from profanity,
  and no more lying through your teeth.

Turn your back on sin; do something good.
  Embrace peace—don't let it get away!

God keeps an eye on his friends,
  his ears pick up every moan and groan.

God won't put up with rebels;
  he'll cull them from the pack.

Is anyone crying for help? God is listening,
  ready to rescue you.

If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there;
  if you're kicked in the gut, he'll help you catch your breath.

Disciples so often get into trouble;
  still, God is there every time.

He's your bodyguard, shielding every bone;
  not even a finger gets broken.

The wicked commit slow suicide;
  they waste their lives hating the good.

God pays for each slave's freedom;
  no one who runs to him loses out.


Beccee's second email

Beccee's email from May 27, 2009
OK - After a long day and a half of waiting and waiting the doctor (Pulmonologist Dr. Neuman) called and basically said her results were negative but inconclusive. From her vantage point inside the bronchial tube she could not see the masses. They were outside the tube, so she hunted and pecked with a needle to get a few samples. Her samples came back negative, which she feels means nothing. She has referred us to an oncologist that will try a more invasive entry at the masses to get a bigger and better sample for biopsy. We are meeting the new doctor, Oncologist Dr. Johnson, at Wauk Memorial tomorrow (Thurs) at 3:45. Although I believe this is an office visit, I also believe the procedure will be performed as soon as Friday. So, we wait and pray some more. Dr. Neuman has not taken Vasculitis or fungus off the table, but she made it perfectly clear to me that she truly believes we are dealing with tumors and her faith in the alternatives is extremely low. I offered to her that since they are still on the table as options, then she should allow me to have those chances and hope for the best. She conceded, but with caution that I don't rest my hopes too much on those options.
I'm sorry I don't have more information for you. This waiting is awful. Especially since the pressure in my chest is becoming unbearable and speaking is becoming more and more difficult and we all know how much I LOVE to talk! My sadness rests in that I can no longer sing. Just typing that out could finally make me cry. I really need to sing a rousing chorus of Four Non Blondes right now! And it would never be more appropriate than at this moment! So raise a glass of wine for me tonight, and sing a loud chorus of "HEY HEY HEY...." Sing it so loud the neighbors want to join in!
Thank you my Y-Chicks for keeping me company on this excruciatingly long day!
And to my family for the new appliance in our basement - I LOVE YOU! Thank you.
Terry and Tim, funny, entertaining and uplifting as usual.
We will call or email as soon as we know more. But for now, I'm seeing only good and positive things inside my happy safe bubble.
If you see Ron, give him a hug.
If you see my girls, MUMS THE WORD!

First Post

Beccee's first email from May 24...
So here it is. No BS.
Fri, I had a chest x-ray for my asthma and there were some disturbing surprises. I was told there were some questionable masses on my lungs. We sought a second opinion after my family doctor prescribed antibiotics and called it "maybe pnemonia". He meant well and I thank him for the foresight to do an XRay. But we moved on. A dear friend of mine, Dr. Ann Merkow called in a million favors and found a pulmonologist to see me Fri night (YES! on the holiday weekend within 2 hours time! What a great friend! I cannot repay that kind of favor.) I had a CAT scan Fri night and I thought we would hear more on Tues. But Dr. Neuman called Sat morning and asked us to meet her at the hospital this morning (Sun.) Well the doctor's visit today was surreal. We saw the cat scan and xray and I have 2 masses to deal with. One rather large one on my right lung. The other sitting right in the middle by my breathing tube (probably not the correct medical term - but whatever) Right now, we don't know what they are. Tuesday I will have a bronchioscope (SP?) and the doc will take biopsies. She said within the first 24 hours she will be able to either rule out or confirm /tumor/cancer. If it is not that, then there is a short list of possibilities. Those we discussed were TB (the non-contagious kind?); fungus; Vasculitis (which is what my father had in his brain in 2001- and the one we're praying for because it's treatable with steroids)! The doctor didn't give me any sign of what she thought it might be. She had a stone face I couldn't read, but a really cool ring I couldn't help admiring... She did say it is serious and needs to be addressed immediately. There is talk about another more invasive biopsy that would require a chest tube for a few days afterwards, but we'll see. That's not the here and now. Right now I'm praying my ass off (pardon me) for fungus or Vasculitis.
On Sat night a few of the lay pastors at my church annointed me with oil. The band, a few friends, Ron, along with the pastors, laid hands on me and prayed for me. Again, very surreal to be on the receiving end of that. But I was very comforted and calm going into the meeting today. And I still sense a lingering  "peace that passes all understanding", a bible phrase I never really understood until now. I'm not freaking out. I'm calm because I know it's in God's hands. He is in control. I do ask that you please pray for Ron. He's having nightmares and wakes up crying. But he's Ciclian! He's so emotional! (j/k) And I love him all the more for it. He is expressing the feelings I cannot, and I appreciate it.. He's been an awesome support. He's of course been amazing with the girls. I'm so lucky to have him.
I'm incredibly fatigued. And I cough. ALOT! The pressure in my chest aches. But I know it's going to be okay. When Millie smiles at me or I hear Emma laugh, I know it's all going to be good. I really do feel that Jesus is standing guard at my left shoulder. I have felt Him there all day. And you wouldn't even believe me if I told you how many angels I watched shove their way into the exam room this morning. We were shoulder to shoulder with the power of God when the doctor showed us those masses on my lungs. I felt a presence like no other. A quiet calm took over and soothed my nerves. And if you're not a Christian yet, my friend, by the time this is over, you'll be sick of me and throw your hands up and give in! I am truly in His hands.
We will all be laughing at Beccee crying wolf again in about a week. RIGHT? Right! (remember the weird bone in my back last winter?.....and NO it's not a tail!) 
Pray for us. Pray for fungus! Better yet, Vasculitis is an easier fix!
You can always call me on my cell if you want to talk. But I've been going to bed really early. Some of you have been really cracking me up with your messages and calls and I'm needing some good laughs!
My Y-Chicks: I've been keeping in touch with Sharon and Tara so you can call them for updates. 
My high school friends: You can call Colonna. (391-1148)
My band friends, please call Amy P or Ron (391-4192).
Family: call family.
But most of all, please pray for good results and that God will guide Dr. Neuman's hands on Tuesday morning during the biopsy. Please keep Ron and Emma and Millie in your prayers. The girls don't know anything, so please, let's keep them innocent from this for now. We're just telling them it's Mommy's asthma.
And after the all clear - let's have a really good glass of wine together! Your treat! haha
Love you!